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Drivhuset supports brainstormers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and change enthusiasts on the development journey. With us, you will get knowledge and inspiration to drive your ideas and organizations forward. From here – to anywhere.

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Do you have an idea, or a company, you want to develop and take to the next step? Book a personal advistory meeting today. You don’t need to have a business plan or belong to any particular industry and you can be at the versy start of your journey. We begin with you and we will support you and your next step forward. Welcome!

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Drivhuset rekryterar!

Ansökan för denna tjänst är nu stängd! Att vara agil och kunna…

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Entreprenörsintervju med Frida Almqvist

Vi fick möjligheten att föra en givande intervju med Frida Almqvist, skaparen…

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Entreprenörsintervju med Victoria Stridh

Utforska resan med Victoria Stridh, entreprenören bakom en enskild verksamhet inom psykosyntesterapi…

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“The meeting with Drivhuset gave us so extremely much! We did not only get a lot of ideas around our business idea, but also a lot of tips on what to think about when we look for venture capitalists, make contacts and general tips on running a business. We also got new angles to tackle the problem we wanted to solve. The meeting and what we talked about is something that we will have with us and that will help us with the development of our company. ”

Simon Anderberg – CEO of Flex UF

“In our textbook, Loopa – business development for entrepreneurs, I found many good tools that I will carry with me throughout my continued working life, but also one thing that I carry with me on a personal level and that I also use to strengthen my daughter self-confidence: highlighting the positive instead of paying attention to failures. ”

Jeanette Johansson – Student at Högskolecentrum Bohuslän

“I think the working method (Loopa) is exciting. Like going out into unknown water. In a good way. For the Event Pilots project, it opens up new avenues that a traditional way of working would not have done to the same extent.”

Anders Albertsson – Event manager at Got Event

Book free guidance

Do you have an idea, or a company, you want to develop and take to the next step?
You do not need to have a business plan, belong to any particular industry
or have come a long way in your process.

Book here

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